
Beeson Designs
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IT2/MT2 Weight Calculator

Revised 10 October - Adjusted rotary multipliers
Revised 26 October - Adjusted ITS factor, removing IT2 cars and minimizing difference between new and old IT weights

It has been suggested that defining race weights for Improved Touring (IT) cars based on their physical properties might result in more equitable competition than is achieved using the stock curb weights as the specification baseline. This form allows racers who are interested in this specification leveling idea to experiment with car specifications, comparing two makes/models (real or hypothetical) at a time.

Note that specifications provided by this system do not reflect the actual specifications of IT cars under any current race sanctioning organization! Consult your rulebook for accurate specifications.

Complete all fields below and click "Continue" when finished. If you do not want to compare two cars, just leave the default settings for Car 2. These are close to the average IT2-spec car, and are provided so the report page has values for calculation.

Compare Two Cars

Car 1

Year Manufacturer Model
Displacement (cc) In which class? ITC ITB ITA IT2 ITS
Stock HP Stock Weight (lbs)
Engine Type Variable Valve Timing or 13b Rotary 12a Rotary Other

Car 2

Year Manufacturer Model
Displacement (cc) In which class? ITC ITB ITA IT2 ITS
Stock HP Stock Weight (lbs)
Engine Type Variable Valve Timing or 13b Rotary 12a Rotary Other

After you have completed the form, please click Continue to compare these two cars...


Last updated 20 November 2002  footer

SCCA® is a registered trademark of the Sports Car Club of America. This initiative is not affiliated with the SCCA® or any of its regions. All manufacturer and model names are registered trademarks of their respective companies. www.it2.evaluand.com is not affiliated with any automobile manufacturer.

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© Copyright MMII/MMIII by Kirk Knestis